Дата: Четвер, 24.06.2010, 22:31 | Повідомлення # 3
повідомлень: 28504
Це новийінтерфейсBDAобгорткадляALTDVBv2.2.
Конфігураційний файл (Dev_Bda2Driver.cfg) має бути поміщений в ту ж теку як інтерфейс (Dev_Bda2Driver.int). Якщо цей файл не існує, інтерфейс драйвера Буде створена нова 1 із значеннями за умовчанням.
DVB-S2сигналізація: TechnoTrend користувачів - без змін необхідно (DVBS2Signalling сигнальне значення за умовчанням 8VSB) Один КНЦ користувачів - змінити DVBS2Signalling сигналізації значення: 8PSK Hauppauge користувачів - змінити DVBS2Signalling сигналізації значення: NBC_8PSK всі інші - спробуйте 8VSB або 8PSK
S/S2ЕкспериментальнііS2 Roll Off: ці значення для Haupppauge водіїв і практично не повинно бути змінено
V - - Перекомпілювати з останніми Technotrend BDA SDK ( Тепер використовуйте ttBdaDrvApi_Dll.dll
- Change BDA type detection order. Use Turbosight, DVBWorld extension for TeVii devices with old drivers (pre 2009). - Show Technotrend product name instead tuner filter name. - Change credits and added project url in device selection dialog.
P.S. v and later not need any MSVC runtime. + Please update topic name (update or remove version).
Дата: Неділя, 18.07.2010, 21:27 | Повідомлення # 6
повідомлень: 28504
AltDVBv2.2BDAdevicev. - 18.07.2010
This is a new BDA interface wrapper for AltDVB v2.2.
!!! ttBdaDrvApi_Dll.dll, TeVii.dll must be placed in directory with AltDVB.exe !!!
The configuration file (Dev_Bda2Driver.cfg) should be placed in the same folder as the interface (Dev_Bda2Driver.int). If this file doesn't exist, the interface driver will create a new one with default values.
S2 Pilot and S2 Roll Off: these values are for the Haupppauge drivers and practically should not be changed
Дата: Понеділок, 02.08.2010, 10:02 | Повідомлення # 8
повідомлень: 28504
AltDVBv2.2BDAdevicev. - 01.08.2010
v - 2010.08.01
- Experimental Microsoft Windows7 DiSEqC BDA-extension support. Used in Windows7 Media Center (DiSEqC 1.0), if driver provide this extension. Most Win7-designed BDA-drivers provide this extension only for DiSEqC 1.0, but specification support RAW DiseqC 1.x/2.x and ToneBurst. Current build support only ToneBurst/DiSEqC 1.0 for this extension (but in sources implemented also RAW DiseqC support). - New configuration file option BDA_TYPE - preffered BDA-extension (Microsoft or TeVii). BDA extension always autodetected and this option can change priority.
Дата: Субота, 09.10.2010, 16:48 | Повідомлення # 9
повідомлень: 947
Skystar2 SDKdevice forAltDVBVersion
--- Description --- Plug-in device Skystar 2 AltDVB (based on Technisat SDK) with support for RAW DiSEqC, allows you to use the card in the operating systems Windows Vista and Windows 7. --- Claims --- Requires: * AltDVB version 2.2 * NOT installed BDA driver (tested on 4.6.0 only) * Registered in the system patched DirectShow filter Sky2PCAVSrc.ax * File skydll.dll, located in the same folder as the Sky2PCAVSrc.ax
--- Lecture in the RAW DiSEqC and Skystar 2 --- DirectShow filter "Sky2PCAVSrc.ax" is part of the software supplied with the card drivers, specifically - with the program "Technisat DVB-PC TV Star". This filter allows the use of maps to create their own programs to view satellite television. Besides the basic functions of this module is built support for direct sending RAW DiSEqC commands (that is, any team DiSEqC 1.1 and 1.2). However, the real support for RAW DiSEqC realized only with the card verification, ie, on those maps where DiSEqC 1.2 OFFICIALLY does not work, where he officially does not work.
All of these were zamorochki there will be an official module Sky2PCAVSrc.ax.
--- Addressing RAW DiSEqC and Skystar 2 --- To RAW DiSEqC still earned on your beloved Skystar 2, must register in the system patched Sky2PCAVSrc.ax. This filter found in this archive in your "Raw DiSEqC support". Registration is via the file "reg.cmd".
--- Working with AltDVB --- When you start AltDVB, you must select the appropriate device to support RAW DiSEqC. If you believe that RAW DiSEqC anyway does not work, try setting repeat option packages DiSEqC commands equal to two or more, and do not forget set the interval between sending (100-200 milliseconds - to taste). If your card is overclocked and can easily demux the entire traffic flow at high speeds, for the sake of the experiment, you can choose from a postscript Full TS. In this mode, stable operation is not guaranteed, and plus, in principle, no no, except that in AltDVB become active function TS Analyzer.